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 Сообщение Сб 25 авг 2007 23:10
Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: Вт 24 июл 2007 22:57
Hello, has the 1.1.17 patch or the 1.2.23 patch been released as a international version yet as well? I am sorry I do not speak russian and I have bought this game from yesasia.com I have the manual and everything but have had no luck in finding the patch.

Добавлено спустя 6 часов 3 минуты 59 секунд:

Ok after further looking it appears that my version is actually 1.3.29 making it higher then 1.1.17 and 1.2.23 is this right?

 Сообщение Вс 26 авг 2007 4:59
Старый Мехозавръ
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Сообщения: 3718
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Зарегистрирован: Чт 20 май 2004 11:50
2 captcpsc

Hi Pal!
Actually, if you have no serious priblems - "hold" any patching!
If you have some (any) - describe them here.
In this case we may help you with this-or-that adwise :smile:

Если пошла кровь - значит будут сгустки!

 Сообщение Вс 26 авг 2007 13:02
Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: Вт 24 июл 2007 22:57
Ok thank you very much.

Would it be possible for someone who knows both english and Russian very well to translate the FAQ for A.I.M. 2? I have been trying to use Babelfish but it's far from perfect and I am still confused?

 Сообщение Вс 26 авг 2007 22:01
Старый Мехозавръ
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Сообщения: 3718
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Зарегистрирован: Чт 20 май 2004 11:50
captcpsc писал(а):
Ok thank you very much.

Would it be possible for someone who knows both english and Russian very well to translate the FAQ for A.I.M. 2? I have been trying to use Babelfish but it's far from perfect and I am still confused?

Actually it would be much easie to "hear" your particular problem first.
FAQ do not "solve" all the issues that may occur (say, they may be driver and/or settings-dependant, etc.) And don't forget to specify your PC configuration :smile:

Если пошла кровь - значит будут сгустки!

 Сообщение Вс 26 авг 2007 23:50
Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: Вт 24 июл 2007 22:57
Ok I am not having a problem with drivers or settings. I am more confused about general parts of the game.

I am very confused about production level and keeping a base even if you lack a mechmind of the 5th generation? I don't understand how to keep a base without a 5th generation mech.

Besides that I find it much harder to steer the new gliders but I think I seen that there is some settings with the mouse that might help make that easier.

One other thing I picked up a task at a base that has no description and appears under the ?(question mark) in my journal. This task is "T_L5_FANT_06" and in the description part (the left panel) it is "T_L5_FANT_06.TASK"

 Сообщение Пн 27 авг 2007 2:31
Старый Мехозавръ
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Сообщения: 3718
Откуда: USSR
Зарегистрирован: Чт 20 май 2004 11:50
1. You are not able to "keep" the Base (or other building) not having implemented Mech-5. The only other way out - is to keep "an ample stock" of Mechs (see the upper window in the "claster-view" of any building). - Some of "your guys" may be killed and when the claster is not "full" (if you have no "spare" Mechs in ctock) - you "loose" your building... [Thus you need one Mech-5 per each location "to do this job" for you! Say, he's your manager on the location :wink: ]
2. I'm using joystick (much moore comfortable :smile: )... Try to hit "esc" button - and go to the settings panel (try to "play" with mouse settings i.e. with its sensitivity). You may do it while playing. By the way - see the gliders data (before spending "money" :smile: ) - some of them are rather bulky!!!
3. No idea = never faced such a bug.

Good Luck!

Если пошла кровь - значит будут сгустки!

 Сообщение Пн 27 авг 2007 12:21
Механоид 5 поколения
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Откуда: Омск
Зарегистрирован: Вс 14 май 2006 17:42
About "T_L5_FANT_06" task:

Task description text:

Destroy the scout

Some last time the Mercators' mechanoid be near the Translocation Tunnel (I am simply don't know how this building named in the English game version. I hope it is similar. - Ark.). We're suspect this mechanoid have spy on our gliders' moves to/into the Tunnel. We're think this mechanoid also make records about our moves to the Memocrystal. We need destroy this data records, not possible what Mercators have them. In case this scout glider will be destroyed, the Memocrystal will be destroyed also. We may delegate this task for you so us ours' warriors don't attract to ourself Mercators' scouts attention. Howewer, this job is rather hard because this scout's position in the Translocation Tunnel Secured Zone. Yor task is lure scout away the Secured Zone and destroy his glider.The scout's name is MORTE-ARTO. Your bounty for this job is 10000 Energy Crystals.

Task acceptation text:

You have accept this task. Go! Kill the MORTE-ARTO and return to us. Be careful! Not far away of Translocation Tunnel may be Mercators' warriors in the ambush. But your main task is destroying the MORTE-ARTO glider. And you must keep in mind: don't possible what the scout arrive into any Mercator's Building.

It is an "approximated translation" :roll: to the English for two texts in the Russian game version database. Please sorry my English. :roll:

 Сообщение Пн 27 авг 2007 18:20
Старый Мехозавръ
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Сообщения: 3718
Откуда: USSR
Зарегистрирован: Чт 20 май 2004 11:50
Спасибо Ark!
Надеюсь теперь парень поймет смысл задания. Скажи, а откуда ты"выцарапал" содержание задания? Или ты все их помнишь? :shock:
PS: Хрен парень это задание выполнит! Насколько помню, "невидимость" нужна т.к. этот FANT под защитой пушек ошивается...

Если пошла кровь - значит будут сгустки!

 Сообщение Пн 27 авг 2007 18:29
Механоид 5 поколения
Сообщения: 1783
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
Зарегистрирован: Вт 2 янв 2007 2:47
Достаточно лиш статис-генератора.
Стреляеш во врага и тут же ныкаешся в стазис.
Просто "мишени" не редко под пушками ошываютсо, волей не волей научишся их убивать. :laugh:

 Сообщение Пн 27 авг 2007 18:38
Механоид 5 поколения
Сообщения: 1662
Откуда: сектор Арктики
Зарегистрирован: Пт 11 ноя 2005 13:35
Серж писал(а):
Скажи, а откуда ты"выцарапал" содержание задания?

Открой базу данных игры через SDK и всё :wink:
captcpsc писал(а):
Would it be possible for someone who knows both english and Russian very well to translate the FAQ for A.I.M. 2?

As for FAQ for M2 in English - I can try to translate some of the most frequently asked questions into English. But I need some time to do it, 'cause there's a lot of text there...
And it'll be nice if anyone of developers gives me list of English ingame terms...

Добавлено спустя 1 минуту 46 секунд:

captcpsc писал(а):
I am very confused about production level and keeping a base

Also don't forget that it's possible to "persuade" enemy mech while he's in glider by pressing "~" button and selecting the according item in dialog. If you have enough traders on gliders - the clan economics will be ok and you won't loose control on the bases.

Скользи мимо, всего касаясь, и ни к чему не привязывайся!

 Сообщение Пн 27 авг 2007 22:01
Старый Мехозавръ
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Сообщения: 3718
Откуда: USSR
Зарегистрирован: Чт 20 май 2004 11:50
HellRacer писал(а):
Достаточно лиш статис-генератора.
Стреляеш во врага и тут же ныкаешся в стазис.

Фигню порешь! Средний глайдер даже "5-5" прокаченной безоткаткой с одного раза не свалить! А в экс-стазис тебя сама пушка вгонит (бесплатно :lol: ) Плюс к тому, обычно еще скальп требуется (для получения мат-компенсации у "заказчика") который тебя "ждать из анабиоза" едва-ль станет :yes: (Халявщиков в играх не меньше, чем в реальной жизни).

Если пошла кровь - значит будут сгустки!

 Сообщение Пн 27 авг 2007 22:14
Механоид 5 поколения
Сообщения: 1783
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
Зарегистрирован: Вт 2 янв 2007 2:47
Фигню порешь!

Эй эй, не знаеш молчи.
Никто не говорил что это легко, и тем более никто не говорил про АДЫН выстрел! :tongue2: :mad: :twisted:

 Сообщение Пн 27 авг 2007 23:13
Сообщения: 10646
Откуда: Мариуполь
Зарегистрирован: Пт 13 апр 2007 17:15
2 Серж
Можно через стазис. Сам убивал. Подлететь на электроразряднике вплотную, шмальнуть, уйти в стазис, выйти из стазиса, шмальнуть, еще раз уйти в стазис и все.

 Сообщение Пн 27 авг 2007 23:17
Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: Вт 24 июл 2007 22:57
I really wish I knew how to speak russian? I really love this game!

I have recently figured out the '~' key to use to persuade mechs.

Somehow someway maybe out of total luck or something I was able to complete the T_L5_FANT_06 task. I arrived at a base and was given 10,000 Energy Crystals.

Thank-You ARK for your translation, your English is very good compared to my Russian ( which is ZERO )

al@crazy - I wish I could help you with the Russian to English In-Game names etc... but as you have seen without Babelfish I have no ability to understand any Russian. Thank you so much for all your help.

 Сообщение Вт 28 авг 2007 0:39
Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: Вт 24 июл 2007 22:57
to shmal'nut', to leave into stazis, to leave stazisa, to shmal'nut', again to leave into stazis and everything.

Here here, and 4 thus it made, ring mount nicho to make not moget!

This is as good as my Babelfish translator does? "shmal'nut'" what in the world is that--- stazis--- no clue... stazisa -- yeah this one either.... and then the response? "ring mount nicho to make not moget" yeah...I need to find a russian/english language expert?

 Сообщение Вт 28 авг 2007 3:18
Старый Мехозавръ
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 3718
Откуда: USSR
Зарегистрирован: Чт 20 май 2004 11:50
captcpsc писал(а):
I really wish I knew how to speak russian? I really love this game!

So, whats keeping you from "starting" right now? :smile: It's much easie than, say, Japanese or Chinese :smile:
I know an American pal, here, in Moscow (used to work with him), who have mastered even russian "street-slang" already!

Ha-Ha! [shmalnut'] - NO DICTIONARY will help! It's an abnormal word, mostly used by teenagers. Direct meaning of it is {TO SHOOT} (trying to kill, say with bazooka :laugh: ) I'm talking about GAMES :smile: Don't think we're so cruel here :laugh: :laugh:

Если пошла кровь - значит будут сгустки!

 Сообщение Вт 28 авг 2007 6:30
Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: Вт 24 июл 2007 22:57
Oh I don't think you guys are cruel at all! In fact I think you all are pretty damn cool. I tried to learn German when I was in high school and it didn't go well. I've done much better learning languages such as C++, Pascal, Fortran, Cobal, Visual Basic.... etc....

 Сообщение Вт 28 авг 2007 12:42
Механоид 5 поколения
Сообщения: 1662
Откуда: сектор Арктики
Зарегистрирован: Пт 11 ноя 2005 13:35
captcpsc писал(а):
Thank you so much for all your help.

Oh, no problem :wink: I wish I could have some more time to translate all the FAQ. I asked developers to give me english terms for all the objects in game, so I hope I can proceed with translation soon...

If you have any further question, don't hesitate to ask them here (about bugs) on in this topic (for general questions).

Скользи мимо, всего касаясь, и ни к чему не привязывайся!

 Сообщение Пн 10 сен 2007 5:55
Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: Вт 24 июл 2007 22:57
I wanted to try and play with my flight stick. While most of the controls work including the twist and the throttle I cannot seem to find out how I can program the Button 1, Button 2, Button 3 buttons so I can use them to fire etc... Is this possible? For when I use either the keyboard or the mouse to go into and make a change it does not allow me to program the buttons.


I went into the configuration file itself and ignored all the warnings about editing the file etc. And I configured the "actions" I wanted with the appropriate "JOY1"..."JOY6"(I have a 6 button flight stick) worked perfect. Not sure if there is a better way to do this or not but, that is what I have come up with for now.

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